Escáneres 3D Matter and Form

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Matter and Form 3D scanners: budget-friendly solutions for high-resolution results.

Matter and Form released its first desktop 3D scanner, the MFS1V1, in 2014. It was a budget high-resolution 3D scanning device equipped with two lasers and a color camera. Thanks to its affordability and resolution, it didn't take long for this device to spread around the world. Designers, makers, educators and artists were just some of the users who decided to get their feet wet in the 3D scanning world using the Matter and Form 3D scanner.

In 2015, the company launched bevelPix, an online platform where Matter and Form users were able to view and share their 3D scans in real-time. In 2018, it released an improved version of the original MFS1V1 scanner, Matter and Form 3D Scanner V2 (MFS1V2), which was characterized by better usability, greater accuracy, and faster speed. 

The V2 is considered one of the best budget 3D scanners currently available on the market. If you are looking for a low-priced high-resolution 3D scanning device, MFS1V2 is the scanner for you. 


Matter and Form 3D scanners

Matter and Form currently provides two different 3D scanning solutions, the MFS1V2 desktop 3D scanner and the Bevel 3D Clip. 

Unlike its precursor, MFS1V2 provides higher quality outputs and faster scan times. It features a foldable design, which makes it a good fit for any living space. It comes integrated with +Quickscan, an upgrade to the proprietary MFStudio 3D scanning software. Intuitive and easy-to-use, +Quickscan lets you perform a complete scan in just 65 seconds. 

Bevel 3D Clip is a smartphone add-on for both iOS and Android devices. You can plug it into the headphone jack to start creating 3D photos in minutes. No need for an external device.

Whether you are a 3D enthusiast, a hobbyist, an educator, or a newbie, Matter and Form 3D scanners will open up an entirely new world of 3D scanning possibilities to you.


Need help?

Top 3D Shop offers a wide range of 3D scanners available in stock at some of the best prices on the market. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through every step of your 3D printing journey, be it through a one-on-one consultation, through our comprehensive reviews or useful tutorials.

Have a question? No problem! Give us a call or contact us via email or online chat.

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