About Us

Since 2013, we have integrated digital manufacturing in over 10,000 businesses.

To achieve great results for our clients, we have developed deep expertise in such areas as 3D printing, 3D scanning, 3D modeling, plastic casting, laser cutting and CNC milling. This, combined with our dedication to quality global service, puts us in a strong position to recommend the right digital manufacturing equipment.


It all started in 2009. The patent on FDM expired. And the prices for FDM 3D printers dropped from over $10,000 to less than $1,000. This set the stage for the foundation of Top 3D Shop. From the beginning, in 2013, we saw huge potential in democratizing this technology for smart entrepreneurs and innovators.

Good catch. The first model our founder Wes Kiselev printed.

Since then we helped to transform some of the world’s most influential businesses into more vigorous, agile organizations.

Clients We Have Worked With

Partners That Enabled Our Success


Team That Goes The Extra Mile


But, perhaps, the most rewarding work is the things we do for our community.

From workshops and training to our own digital manufacturing exhibition & conference Top 3D Expo, we are aiming to create spaces where producers and professional users of DM technologies can meet, discuss and debate the evolving scope of manufacturing.


Digital Manufacturing Expo & Conference Top 3D Expo


What you should do now

1. If you’d like us to help — to shorten your development cycles, reduce unit costs or help you to foster more innovation throughout the value chain, then talk to one of our experts. On this free phone consultation, we will discuss your goals and suggest strategies to achieve them.

2. If you’d like to better understand DM technologies, go to our blog.

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