How to Create an NFT with a 3D Scanner

Updated Jul 24, 2022 5114

In this article, you will learn how 3D scanners help in creating unique digital objects — non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. We will cover what NFTs are, how to create tokens using 3D scanning, and whether you can make money by auctioning NFTs.


What is NFT

NFT stands for non-fungible token. A token is a virtual unit that serves to confirm ownership of an asset. Tokens can represent cryptocurrencies, securities and other digital mediums.

NFT is a unique certificate confirming the ownership of a one-of-a-kind object, which can be an image, sound or video file, GIF or program. It can also represent a work of art, a collectible, and have historical or cultural value. The difference between NFTs and cryptocurrency coins, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, is that each NFT is unique and not tied to cryptocurrency rates. An NFT is self-sufficient in determining its value.


What is 3D scanning

3D scanning is used to create a 3D digital representation of an existing physical object. A 3D scanner projects light onto an object, captures the reflections, and creates a comprehensive visual digital copy. The resulting digital 3D model can be used for visualization, exporting into videos or games, or for reproducing a physical object using 3D printing.



Objects obtained with 3D scanning can be used to create NFTs on dedicated platforms such as OpenSea, Rarible or Nifty Gateway, where users can sell and put NFTs up for auction. Artists, sculptors, collectors and gallery owners acquired a new medium to buy and sell unique digital works of art, and many are already taking advantage of this opportunity.

NFT is not only the object itself but also a digital certificate of ownership fixed in the blockchain, which allows you to upload the object to the web without fear of copyright infringement.



The Last Supper


The Last Supper 3D scan is one of the first NFTs created using 3D scanning. Issued on March 20, 2021 and sold on May 3 for 0.0955 ETH, it brought in $145 according to the exchange rate on the day of the sale.


Burnt Banksy

Credit: Burnt Finance / YouTube

Not a 3D object, but a prime example of a commercially successful NFT sale. Banksy's original work, burned live at an auction, was later sold as an NFT for $380,000 (£274,000).

The engraving “Morons (White)”, depicting the Christie's auction, is in itself a critique of the art market. Banksy's original 2006 print features a Christie's auctioneer pointing at framed paintings in a crowded auction room. Next to it is a canvas with the inscription "I can't believe you morons actually buy this sh*t." In the video, a masked man sets the artwork on fire with a lighter.

The original artwork, destined to be burned, was purchased for $95,000 by Injective Protocol, a blockchain firm that claimed the goal of the event was to inspire tech enthusiasts and artists.


Brazilian singer Naldo Benny


Brazilian singer, songwriter and dancer Naldo Benny created his NFT using 3D scanning in collaboration with New World. Naldo captured his signature dance moves, which were converted into digital avatars by New World's creative team and sold as NFTs.


scaNFT project

The authors of the project heard about NFT quite recently and — being financially constrained university students — got excited about the idea that the cryptocurrency could help them to pay for their education. By engaging the different skills of the team members, they were able to create an end-to-end solution by combining software and hardware into an automated system for scanning, downloading, and creating NFTs.


Creating objects in scaNFT is as simple as ever. All you need to do is place the original object on the scanner’s turntable and press a button.


A RasberryPi board sets the turntable in motion, while the connected camera takes a series of 50 photos from different angles. These images are then processed in 3DF Zephyr, which combines them into a 3D model, and the resulting file is uploaded via API to the NFT token store Pinata.

ScaNFT is a clever, original, and inexpensive solution, however, it requires certain skills and does not produce good quality scans. Anyway you look at it, 50 frames per object is not enough.

You would need an industry-level 3D scanner to obtain high-quality 3D objects.


3D scanners to create 3D-NFT

To create an NFT, we recommend using 3D scanners that have a proven reputation among users, are reliable in operation, and produce high-quality 3D models in the scanning process.


Calibry 3D scanner

Calibry is a hand-held wired 3D scanner manufactured by the Thor3D company which focuses on innovative 3D scanning solutions. The device is compact and easy to use, capable of scanning both small and large objects and paired with high-quality Calibry Nest software.

Learn more about the Thor3D Calibry in our blog post.


Shining 3D Einscan Pro HD 3D scanner

The Shining 3D Einscan Pro HD is a multifunctional high-resolution scanner for quality 3D digitizing. High accuracy and resolution in manual and automatic scanning modes are ensured by an optimized scanning algorithm and a minimum point distance of 0.2 mm.

Learn more about the Shining Einscan Pro HD in our in-depth review.


Shining 3D Einscan H 3D scanner

Shining 3D Einscan H is a handheld 3D scanner that combines two scanning technologies: LED illumination and infrared light invisible to the human eye. This combination makes the scanner a comprehensive tool for non-industrial applications. It can scan both objects (including texture and color capture) and people (faces, bodies, and even hair) quickly and efficiently. Infra-red light is eye-safe, which is especially important when creating 3D portraits for personalized NFTs.

Read our in-depth review for more information about the Shining 3D Einscan H.


Shining 3D Einscan HX 3D scanner

The Einscan HX 3D scanner is the latest 2020 model from the Shining 3D hybrid scanner lineup. This scanner is equipped with two different light sources: blue LED and blue laser. This combination makes the device a versatile measuring and digitizing tool that takes the best from both technologies and combines them in a lightweight and comfortable piece of hardware. Special software allows for quick and efficient processing of data generated by scanning using one of the light sources, or both at once.

You can learn more about the Shining 3D Einscan HX in our in-depth review.


Bottom line

Art object scanned by Top 3D Shop

The NFTs you create can bring in a fortune or be worthless, and this cannot be estimated beforehand. But people are always looking for ways to get rich quickly, and making an NFT with a 3D scanner could be one of the opportunities. The probability of success is higher if the scanned object is unique and exciting enough by itself. The NFT created on its basis, even if it does not generate a lot of hype, can find a buyer willing to pay some money.

Art object scanned by Top 3D Shop

Also, NFTs can serve as additional tools in PR campaigns for movies, books, games, events, and public figures such as musicians, artists or politicians, since interest in blockchain technology is peaking, and the creation of a thematic NFT can become a newsworthy event attracting attention.

Art object scanned by Top 3D Shop

There’s no need to buy a 3D scanner if your goal is a one-off scan to create an NFT. You can request a 3D scan from professionals, and experienced specialists will digitize your project.

If you are firm in the intention to master and apply 3D scanning, you can choose the most suitable 3D scanner to create NFTs or for other purposes, the .

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